304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Category NEWS

The Importance of a CRM for Online Casinos

A CRM is critical for any online casino - GamingSoft News

For online casinos, attracting new players is only half the battle. The real test of an online casino’s long-term viability is how well it retains its players, especially when it comes to the high rollers who contribute huge amounts of…

Kick up your email & mobile marketing a notch!

Email marketing is still going strong! - GamingSoft News

Email marketing is still a relevant and important way with which to perform your online sportsbook marketing campaign strategy. Most people still check their email address at least once a day — you’ll likely be amazed at how effective sending…

Use a Dot-Net URL to Promote Your Casino!

Use a dot-net URL to increase your reach! - GamingSoft

It’s no secret that the great majority of traditional media companies won’t touch gambling sites with a 10-foot pole due to its apparent connotations. However, as is customary for online sportsbooks and casino sites, there is a solution that exists…