304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Year 2020

Coronavirus: Win or Lose?

Are you looking for ways to steer your iGaming business through the ongoing coronavirus chaos? Want to take advantage of the increase in internet use due to the lockdowns and quarantines happening worldwide? Impact of the Coronavirus on Business Decline…

COVID-19 Update: Tokyo Olympics Postponed

Yet another sports event is postponed due to the proliferation of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). The Tokyo Olympic Games, which was scheduled to start from 24th July 2020, has been confirmed to be postponed by the International Olympic Committee…

5G: The Next Big iGaming Boom?

The years leading up to 2020 have been extremely exciting, as we see the rise in mobile technology and an explosion in the adoption of the smartphone in all areas of life. As we move into the new decade, we…


全球越来越多国家在过去的短短一周里,纷纷开始采取防疫措施以期能遏制新冠肺炎毒病(COVID-19)的传播。结果造成多家企业 – 尤其是亚洲诸国都受到了自我隔离措施所造成的影响。甚至连我们所从事的真人博弈游戏行业也难以幸免于此次疫情危机。相信每个真人博弈游戏运营商在过去的数周内早已多次抚心自问一个大大的疑问:我所运营的真人娱乐城、体育博彩、老虎机或其他在线游投注戏产品是否真的能承受得住这场突如其来的新冠疫情所造成的冲击? 简而答之,不是所有的游戏开发商都会受到影响。当然也有数家游戏供应商在受到新冠疫情影响的国家,由于在拓展业务的过程中,受到各国针对企业机构所颁布的隔离政策所连累,致使其无法顺利达成业务目标。与此同时,多家游戏供应商也开始想方设法寻找出能应对上述状况的后备方案。 受新冠疫情 (COVID-19) 影响而暂时停运的真人博弈游戏供应商: 下表所列示的真人博弈游戏供应商因受新冠疫情所影响,而不得不歇业停运一段时间: 亚洲博彩 (AsiaGaming) [AGIN, 投注下单, 尊荣计划, 多人桌戏] 易博 (eBet) 欧博集团 (AllBet) HO Gaming SBO真人视讯娱乐城  沙龙 (SA Gaming) 正在开启的游戏接口: 百家乐 C01, C02, C03 已关闭的游戏接口: 所有其他游戏 Gameplay真人娱乐城 正在开启的游戏接口:  Club GPI Gold 轮流开启/关闭的游戏接口: Club GPI Premier…