Month February 2021

Use strong CTAs to convert casino players! - GamingSoft News

Convert casino players with strong CTAs!

A strong call to action (CTA) for your website will turn visitors into players, but how do you come up with the perfect CTA to promote your online gambling website?  If you’re struggling to create a strong CTA, this article…

Tips to build trust for your online casino - GamingSoft News

How to build trust for your online casino?

Trust is essential to success, no matter the industry. Without trust, players wouldn’t continue spending their money on your online casino — instead opting for other forms of entertainment. Therefore, it’s worth exploring the question: How do you become an…

Take steps to consistently grow your online casino - GamingSoft News

Tips to ensure your online casino’s growth

Online casinos have taken the world by storm. Furthermore, after starting an online casino, you have so much more room to grow — and staying proactive about your online casino’s growth is an essential part of keeping your online gambling…

Fast payouts: essential for online casinos - GamingSoft News

Why fast payouts are essential to your online casino

Withdrawal and deposit procedures are among the most important features for any online casino. At some point, players will have to withdraw their winnings. For this reason, it is important to make sure that your online casino not only provides…