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Use strong CTAs to convert casino players! - GamingSoft News

Convert casino players with strong CTAs!

A strong call to action (CTA) for your website will turn visitors into players, but how do you come up with the perfect CTA to promote your online gambling website?  If you’re struggling to create a strong CTA, this article will help you craft a unique CTA optimized for your online casino. 

What is a CTA?

A call to action is what you tell your visitors to do after viewing your content. If you think of the roadmap on your customer’s journey, the CTA points the visitor to the first step in the buyer’s journey.

What makes a great CTA?

So, what is the best type of call to action?

Unfortunately, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution or a single perfect formula for all businesses. Different companies will use different strategies depending mostly on the buying cycle and their ideal customer’s pain points.

There are a few things you can do to improve the conversion rate to your online casino.

Create a strong setup

The copy around the CTA has a stronger impact on the CTA’s success than the words on the button itself. The key to nailing the setup is to know what resonates with your audience. Find out what will grab your reader’s attention and lead them towards the CTA.

Use action words

Use action words to make conversion for your online casino - GamingSoft News

Your goal is always to have the visitor take action, so you should use verbs in your copy. Some common CTA words are:

  • Unlock
  • Join
  • Start
  • Begin

Provide instant gratification

Many fantastic CTAs also provide gratification. For example, rather than featuring a button that says “Demo”, the button might say something like “Play a free game now!” 

You can also use instant gratification in the setup copy. Giving your reader instant gratification also requires you to have a deep understanding of your audience and their needs. 

Create urgency

Urgency is also key. For example, including words like “now” and “today” can help increase conversions. When appropriate, you can also add countdown timers and limited redemption counters.

However, if you claim you will close an offer, you must shut it down. If not, your customers will learn that there really isn’t any urgency.

Make it irresistible

When an ideal prospect lands on your website, it’s your job to present them with an offer that is so attractive that they can’t resist. Creating a truly irresistible offer also requires you to understand your audience’s wants and needs.  

Use a powerful CRM

Using great casino CRM software makes it easy to track your leads and player conversions, helping you find the CTAs that are performing. With GamingSoft Global iGaming White Label solution, you get a full suite of tools to help you attract, convert and retain players for your online casino website!

Convert casino players with strong CTAs!


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