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Online casinos lose business because of one simple reason…

Do you know that one of the fastest ways to lose a player on your online casino is to have a bad payment gateway? Many players we asked agreed that the biggest reason they stop betting on an online casino is to have a bad payment experience!

The payment gateway is one of the core pillars of a successful online casino website. Even if you have the world’s best marketing strategy and iGaming product selection, it is useless unless you have a reliable way for your players to make deposits and withdrawals.

What makes a good payment gateway?

1 — Trust

Your payment gateway must be trustworthy. This does not only mean trust between you and the payment gateway vendor. While that is also important, the key is the trust between the player and the payment gateway. A payment gateway with a trustworthy brand image can be a huge factor in player conversions — this is even more important for newly established operators! If you have a well-known and well-established payment gateway integrated, you can leverage that trust and convert players that are usually less trusting!

2 — Speed

Your payment gateway should be able to process payments quickly and with no hassle to your players. We live in an age of constant distraction and instant gratification. When people want something, they want it now and they want it easily. Any delay in payment processing could mean the player getting bored or distracted, and moving to the next shiny thing that catches their attention.

3 — Reliability

A reliable payment solution is always available — twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week — and aims to have as close to 100% uptime as possible. One of the core strengths of your online casino is you are able to cater to players at any time of the day. Your payment gateway must also contribute to this strength. Any downtime, especially during peak hours, means losses in player revenue!

4 — Security

This field is often neglected until very recent years. But now that the world has experienced multiple high-profile security breaches in big names such as Facebook and Equifax, security is more relevant than ever before! Your payment gateway should have its security as a top priority. Don’t wait until your site is hacked to take action — by then, it will be too late!

5 — Accessibility

No matter how fast, secure, or reliable your payment solution is, it is pointless if it can’t be used by your core players. The right payment solution for you should support the major banks used by your players.

Trustworthy Payment Solutions

GamingSoft’s GSPay is one of the best and most trusted payment gateways available in the Southeast Asian region, making sure you always enjoy fast, reliable and secure transactions with your players. Click here and find out how you can improve the security of payments on your online iGaming website!

Online casinos lose business because of one simple reason…


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